My favorite time management hack

How do you prioritize your time?

For me (since having my baby), it’s ➡️ what NEEDS to get done in the next 3 hours while she’s napping ⬅️!

Those priorities often change daily. Sometimes it’s cleaning the house, sometimes prepping for a class that I’m going to teach inside my paid programs and other times it’s self care.

I’m also a huge believer in Time Blocking.⏰ This is how it looks for me. Steal my idea and let me know how it works for you!

✔️every Sunday I make a list of what needs to get done that week (personal and professional)

✔️I pick a day and time that I think I can accomplish that task or responsibility

✔️I schedule the task in my calendar (like a client appointment)

✔️ I stay focused and try my hardest not to get distracted by anything while working on the task

✔️I give myself grace to regroup and make changes if I don’t accomplish everything I want to within that week

Did you find value in this information? If so, comment below and tell me, also (I’d be so grateful), if you shared this blog post with a friend.
