Turn your passion into your business

Did you know that I have a custom accessory collection? 👛

One of the strategies I teach inside my program, Glamhairus Academy, is how to take your outside passion and incorporate it into your existing hair business.

Why do I teach that strategy? 

Because we get bored as creative business owners and there’s no need for boredom in our business, PLUS that’s exactly what I did by selling custom accessories to my clients! It’s so fun and it’s a way to create more income in your existing business. #winwin

I started off only selling bridal accessories, 11 years ago, because my upcoming brides were asking me what they should accessorize their hair with for the big day. 👰

Fast forward a few years and I started selling everyday custom accessories to my clients (purses, hats, earrings, sunnies, etc.)! 💕

Click the picture below to check out some of my everyday custom accessories!

Here’s an example of what just happened a few weeks ago! Isabel, one of my Instagram followers, saw a pair of multi-colored hoop earrings that I was wearing and asked where I got them from. I let her know that they were part of my custom accessory collection. 

She then wanted to see more of my collection. I sent her pictures and within a few days, shipped out her newly purchased items. 🎉

I’m proof that you CAN incorporate your outside passion into your existing business, make more income and provide more value to your clients! 💛

What questions do have for me about the process? Leave a comment below and let me know!


P.S. Download my free guide, Turn Your Passion Into Your Business.